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7 essential reasons why cashless payments is a no-brainer for schools

When you hear that Apple is about to start something, you already know it's going to be an important part of our society. So will paying with QR code, which is what Apple is now focusing on. No doubt it will be the future. Just look to Asia, where payment via a QR code is the standard. Enough reason for us to explain why schools and universities could also offer this payment method to students and pupils.

payments with qr code

The benefits of paying via QR code at school

Implementing QR codes at your school or university can offer a lot of benefits.

1. Safety. All personal data and transactions are protected. In fact, the school doesn't have to worry about that at all anymore. Very convenient now that all organizations have to comply with the GDPR and the PSD2.

2. Our youth is the future. They are the early adapters and do almost everything with their mobile phones. So it won't be long now before they know that cash is a payment method which they can fall back on, but that paying with a mobile phone will become the norm.

3. Parents want to be able to send children safely to school. Having cash in their pocket can be prone to theft or children can lose it. By offering a cashless environment, you increase security.

4. Hygiene has become even more important for schools and universities because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Cash, as a contact surface, is a large spreader of bacteria, including coins that still have to be put in the copier or soda machine. How nice would it be if a QR code payment by mobile phone could replace that?

5. No more hassle with change, cards and card readers. We can't imagine that it is most efficient if for example a school employee has to collect and manage all the cash money. Managing cash flows can also be susceptible to fraud and error.

6. Insight and management of credits online. Parents can also see how children spend their money at school. Topping up is easy. And if you have any money left over at the end of the year? This can very easily be refunded via KUARIO.

7. Do I have to make large investments? All QR code transactions take place via the cloud, after self-service devices, cash registers or pay points are linked in the cloud. The investment is very low and you can be up and running very quickly.  

We would be happy to visit you for a quick scan of available self-service devices and advise you how these can be made suitable for QR code payments quickly and easily.

KUARIO's payment and management platform connects machines in the cloud, whether it's a washing machine, dryer, barrier, printer, coffee machine or vending machine. These devices are then connected to the payment methods of KUARIO, so that users can easily pay anywhere via one mobile app, without any effort on your part.

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